Study in UK & Australia

Open House@Orchard

This Mon- Fri: 10am-6.30pm

This Sat: 10.30am-2.30pm

Level 7 Orchard Shopping Centre

321 Orchard Road S238866

(Next to 313 Somerset MRT Exit B)

The Best Possible Start to UK Education

The International Study Centre works directly with many top universities in the UK & Europe to provide pathway programs for international students including: International Foundation Year & International Year One Programs.

Our programmes are specifically designed to prepare international students for the challenges of degree-level study & have proven to be an attractive alternative. We provide high-level of support to helps students adjust their life in the UK and make the smooth transition to fill the gap between current level of qualification & knowledge and the level needed to be admitted to certain universities.

So, whether you have received your O Level / A Level / IB Diploma but not eligible yet for university admissions, pathway program is the right solution for you.


You Pathway to Top Universities in the UK

And More...


University Foundation ADVISORY & APPLN DAY

Monday-Friday : 10am-6.30pm

Saturday: 10am-2.00pm

Level 7 Orchard Shopping Centre321 Orchard Rd S238866(Next to 313 Somerset MRT Exit B)

Enquiry & Application Centre

Who are we?

Since 2002, we have established ourselves as one of Singapore's leading overseas education consultancies, specializing in Foundation Programs in the UK and Australia. To date, we have successfully send > 1,000 students for the UK & Australia Foundation Programs which many leads to World Top 100 Unis/UK Russell Group/Australia Group of 8 Universities. 

Our Belief:

We firmly believe that every student is unique. Hence, speak with us so we can take the time to understand your unique needs and preferences, offering personalized guidance to help you find the study option that suits you best.

Our Services:

  • We are here to answer all the queries you have
  • Provide you detailed information regarding the entry requirements, application process, courses, student life etc 
  • Special: Arrange a meeting for you to speak with Uni Fdn Staff
  • Helping you submit yr application. Special: Appln Fee Waived!
  • Scholarship Advice
  • Visa Guidance
  • Booking Accommodation
  • Pre Departure Advice

Our services are university-funded and free for you, so why not take advantage of our services?

Study Group Agent Premier Club Awards


World Uni Expo @SUNTEC

Saturday 29 March, 12-6.30pm

SUNTEC Convention CentreLevel 3 Hall 331

We Represent Many Other UK & Australia Foundation Providers. Check them out!

Contact us Today!

Walk in for free consultation

Mon-Fri 10.00am to 6.30pm

Saturday 10.00am to 2.00pm

Other Timings : Pls call for appt

Level 7 Orchard Shopping Centre 321 Orchard Road S(238866) Next to 313 Somerset MRT

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